Keeping Outdoor Windows Clean

Installing Faux Wood Blinds In Your Home For New Interior Designs With Window Treatments

When you are investing in interior design for your home, window treatments may be in the plans. For the window treatments, faux wood blinds are a great solution to give your home the look of wood without the problems. The following wood faux blind information will help you choose the window treatments for your new interior design. Choosing to use faux wood blinds—There are several reasons to choose faux wood for the blinds you are planning on installing for interior improvements. Read More 

Tint Your Business Windows And Enjoy The Benefits Of Doing So

If you own a storefront such as a boutique, a specialty shop, a small storefront, or anything else like this, then you may want to have the windows of your business tinted. There are many ways this can benefit you. Keep reading to learn some benefits to window tinting for your business.  Prevent children from looking inside You can keep minors from seeing inside a shop that houses products they shouldn't have access to see. Read More 

A Guide To Buying And Repairing Motorized Shades

If you're trying to upgrade your residential or commercial properties, nothing says sophisticated functionality like a set of motorized window shades. A lot goes into buying these shades if you are trying to purchase a model that will work for your property. Understanding more about these upgrades will help you if you're thinking about making a purchase, so follow the tips below.  Consider the different motorized shade models on the market you can buy Read More 

Are You In Need Of Window Repair? Factors That Affect The Repair Price

Windows may need to be repaired for numerous reasons. The glass panes in your window may be cracked or shattered. The frame around your window may be bent or rotted. The seal between the frame and glass may be wearing thin. Or fog and condensation may be developing on or between the glass panes on your window. Window repair can range in price, depending on many different factors. Here are a few of the factors that affect the price you will pay for window repair. Read More 

Inspecting Your Old Windows: A Three-Step Guide

Windows do not always wear at the same rate. Some windows may suffer damage and need to be replaced after 10 years, while others may last 30 years or more. The best way to know whether your windows need to be replaced is not to rely on age but to instead do an inspection of the windows to see what type of condition they are in. There are three steps to a basic window inspection. Read More